agora | sessions | bills| media | background | credits | book

Jerusalem, Israel


DemoKino Web

July 12th, 2004 at 8:00 pm
Real Time in the Age of Lie, by sala-manca
International Jerusalem Cinema Festival, Jerusalem, Israel

Voting system: click
Senators: 425

Bill Voters* % YES % NO
Abortion 2712 51.351 48.648
Cloning 2702 39.726 60.273
Copyleft 2708 86.934 13.065
Euthanasia 2699 62.5 37.5
GMO 2718 40.306 59.693
Same Sex Marriage 2701 81.683 18.316
Therapeutic Cloning 2697 79.411 20.588
Water Privatization 2693 9.95 90.049
* for all on-line sessions. Last up-date: May 31st 2006