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Luxemburg Ville, Luxemburg


DemoKino Cinema

October 7th, 2007 at 7 pm (GMT +1)
Areas of conflu(x)ence
Konschthaus beim Engel
1 rue de la Loge, Luxemburg Ville, Luxemburg
in the frame of Luxemburg and Sibiu, Cultural Capitals of Europe 2007

Voting system:
radio-electronic devices 
Senators: 32

Bill Voters % YES % NO
Abortion 30 74 26
Cloning 31 25 75
Copyleft 29 84 16
Euthanasia 30 66 34
GMO 31 31 69
Same Sex Marriage 32 85 15
Therapeutic Cloning 25 65 35
Water Privatization 28 16 84