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Munich, Germany


DemoKino Cinema

July 28th, 2006 at 8:00 pm (GMT+1)
Crash Test Dummy
The new European "Self" in a bio-political crash test
Munich, Germany

Organized by Muffatwerk, Munich (D); Trafo, Budapest (H), Archa Theater, Prague (CZ) and Zavod Projekt Atol, Ljubljana (SI)

Voting system: raising hands (analogue)
Senators: 21

Bill Voters % YES % NO
Abortion 19 100 0
Cloning 18 0 100
Copyleft 18 72 28
Euthanasia 17 15 85
GMO 20 6 94
Same Sex Marriage 21 92 8
Therapeutic Cloning 20 44 56
Water Privatization 19 0 100