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Munich, Germany

Photo: Tibor Bozi/Crash Test Dummy

DemoKino Cinema

July 27th, 2006 at 8:30 pm (GMT+1)
Crash Test Dummy
The new European "Self" in a bio-political crash test
Munich, Germany

Organized by Muffatwerk, Munich (D); Trafo, Budapest (H), Archa Theater, Prague (CZ) and Zavod Projekt Atol, Ljubljana (SI)

Voting system: raising hands (analogue)
Senators: 27

Bill Voters % YES % NO
Abortion 26 65 35
Cloning 25 13 87
Copyleft 26 63 37
Euthanasia 24 61 39
GMO 27 39 61
Same Sex Marriage 27 88 12
Therapeutic Cloning 25 58 42
Water Privatization 27 5 95