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Ljubljana, Slovenia


DemoKino Cinema

June 22nd, 2006 at 9:00 pm (GMT+1)
Crash Test Dummy
The new European "Self" in a bio-political crash test
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organized by Muffatwerk, Munich (D); Trafo, Budapest (H), Archa Theater, Prague (CZ) and Zavod Projekt Atol, Ljubljana (SI)

Voting system: radio-electronic devices
Senators: 22

Bill Voters % YES % NO
Abortion 16 61 39
Cloning 20 41 59
Copyleft 17 69 31
Euthanasia 16 54 46
GMO 16 28 72
Same Sex Marriage 17 12 88
Therapeutic Cloning 16 86 14
Water Privatization 18 2 98